The Unaffiliated Critic is On Vacation

Just a quick announcement that The Unaffiliated Critic is officially on vacation until after the July 4th weekend. To those of you have been waiting—breathlessly, no doubt!—for my write-ups on the final two episodes of Game of Thrones and Orphan BlackI sincerely apologize: I've been trying to catch up, but unanticipated delays, personal matters, and the obligations of my real job have made it all but impossible. Now we've run into my actual vacation, which I've been planning (and needing) for some time, so I'm regretfully admitting that nothing new is getting posted until I get back.

I really do apologize for the delays, but this is a one-man operation, conducted during the not-always-substantial free-time allowed by my real job. (Anyone wishing to file a complaint about the glacially slow output of The Unaffiliated Critic is strongly encouraged to hit the Donate button and make a sizable contribution to the "Help-Michael-Quit-His-Stupid-Job-and-Do-This-Full-Time" Fund.)

I'll return the week of July 7th, after which I'll do final write-ups of both those series, and hopefully catch up with my movie viewing. Until then, what are you reading my blather for anyway? Go outside and enjoy the summer, fer crissakes.

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