Michael G. McDunnah is a freelance writer, a long-time communications professional, a recovering lit major, a pop-culture junkie, and—as of 2011—an unaffiliated critic. He lives in Chicago, with his wise-assed wife Nakea, who is known in these parts as The Unenthusiastic Critic.
If you are interested in having Michael write for your site or publication, please contact him at michael@unaffiliatedcritic.com.
Michael exists on Twitter as @freerangecritic, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/unaffiliatedcritic.
All content on the website is written by Michael.
There’s no schedule: one of the joys of being unaffiliated is the freedom to write what one wants when one is able. (The reviews tend to be long, and sometimes they take a while.)
The TV reviews assume that you have already watched the episode and are anxious to discuss it in full, obsessive detail. On the other hand, unless otherwise noted, the movie reviews are all written for people who have not yet seen the movie, with a minimum of spoilers.
The Unaffiliated Critic is a labor of love. If we wanted to get rich, we'd probably do something else.
We currently have no advertising, but that's negotiable: all offers to sell out to deep-pocketed corporate interests shall be entertained on their merits. (If you are interested in advertising on The Unaffiliated Critic, feel free to contact Michael at michael@unaffiliatedcritic.com.)
On the other hand, if you want to pay us to post a bullshit article that is just thinly-veiled advertising, don't waste your time or ours. We respect our readers, and pride ourselves on our content, so we do not, and never will, accept paid posts. We delete all such inquiries without answering them, because they just tell us you didn't read this page.
If you would like to support The Unaffiliated Critic and keep it free from advertisements and paywalls, you can do so by donating through PayPal on the "Donate" page. All donations go to support our expenses, and are greatly appreciated.